
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2016.12.02





【Nick】And I think, um…uh swearing is another item…


【Nick】…and swearing is a form of, um sort of making the conversation a little more vulgar, but it establishes a little bit more of an intimate conversation.

【Jeffrey】Which I think, kinda (kind of) stems into uh…or—or connects into the, I guess friendliness aspect that I was talking about…

【Nick】Yes. Yes, yes.

【Jeffrey】…because, um…you know if—if I can drop an F-bomb in front of you, and you’re cool with it, I’m cool with it, that kinda shows our friendly connection…


【Jeffrey】…that we’re—that we’re real with each other, um whereas honorary still…an honorary language would kinda keep that distance…

【Nick】Mm hm.

【Jeffrey】…and so, um…me as an English teacher teaching, uh Japanese students, I feel that, um…I usually tell my students there’s—there’s that, uh common Japanese phrase that’s about, like “read the air.”

【Nick】Yeah, yeah.

【Jeffrey】And I—I feel like that actually applies to American relationships and how we talk. Um, you have to feel the person out

【Nick】Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

【Jeffrey】…and so even with—even with your boss, you might be able to drop an F-bomb, might be able to say more vulgar language if your boss is cool with it.


【Jeffrey】But you might have a boss that wants to establish that distance more.


【Jeffrey】You just have to kind of feel them out and make sure, “Okay I can’t talk that way in front of him.”

【Nick】And—and then it depends on whether or not you’re in a larger group. Is it just you and the boss? Things like that.

【Jeffrey】Yeah, exactly.

【Nick】Yeah, actually, uh I think for English as a Second Language, uh learners, swear words are really difficult…


【Nick】…’cause (because) they, you know, you—you get into speaking in one pattern and that’s your pattern of speaking whenever you speak in a foreign language. I had one friend and she learned swear words, and I was like, “You gotta (got to) be really careful with these things.”


【Nick】We were, we were in front of a preacher, and…


【Nick】…just out that came, and, just…

【Jeffrey】Depends on the preacher I guess.

【Nick】(laughs) And, you know, I was like, “Oh, okay this is what’s happening now. Whooh, we’re gonna (going to) have a conversation later, probably.”


【Nick】‘Cause that’s…but yeah it’s really hard…


【Nick】…’cause you do get in the pattern of speaking. You don’t realize it, um even I’ll use Japanese words sometimes, right?


【Nick】And I’ll think, “Oof, I said that.”



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What purpose does Nick think swearing can serve in a conversation?
  2. 2. What common Japanese phrase did Jeffrey mention in this episode?
  3. What experience did Nick describe of his friend using a swear word in a bad place?



  1. He thinks swearing can make a conversation more vulgar, but also more intimate and friendly.
  2. He mentioned the phrase “read the air” in relation to getting a sense of a situation before speaking.
  3. Nick’s friend used a swear word in front of a preacher, which worried Nick.



Nick and Jeffrey talked about swear words, and their places in conversations with others. Nick explained that swear words can be used to make a conversation more vulgar, but also more intimate.

Jeffrey thought honorary language keeps a conversation distant between two people. He brought up the Japanese phrase “reading the air” to describe the need to “feel a person out” before one chooses what words to say.

Both Nick and Jeffrey agreed that swearing, if no one in a conversation minds, can be a way to establish friendly connections with others. Nick added that it depends on the size of the group in the conversation.

Nick described an experience with a friend of his that used a swear word in a bad place. Nick’s friend learned a swear word, then used it in front of a preacher, as she had developed that pattern of speaking.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Swear(ののしり言葉 / 汚い言葉遣い)

“Fuck”や “Shit”など、いわゆる汚い言葉を、口語的な英語で「Swear words」と言います。“swear”は動詞としても使うことができ、「He is swearing.」と言うと、「彼は暴言を吐いている」となります。


  • Students are not allowed to swear in the classroom. (生徒たちは、教室の中では汚い言葉づかいを許されていません。)
  • He swears a lot when he talks to his friends.(彼は友達と話す時、汚い言葉をたくさん使います。)
  • They’re kids here. Stop cussing.(ここには子供がいるんだから、汚い言葉を使うのはやめて。)

2) Vulgar(下品な / 不作法な)

発言や行為に品がなく、不作法であることを表す形容詞が“Vulgar”です。先ほど紹介したswear wordsもVulgar languageの1つで、相手を侮辱する言動を指します。

  • We do not tolerate that kind of vulgar language here.(ここではそのような下品な言葉は許しません。)
  • That was a vulgar joke. You crossed the line.(あれは下品なジョークだよ。度が過ぎたね。)
  • His comments were vulgar and offensive.(彼のコメントは低俗で侮辱的でした。)

3) Drop the F-Bomb (Fuckと言う)

「Drop the F-Bomb」は、 「Say the F-word」と同じ意味で、「Fuckと言う」や「Fワードを使う」を丁寧に表現する際の言い回しです。つまり、「〜がFuckと言った」を失礼なく表現したい場合は、「He/She dropped the F-bomb.」と言います。“F-bomb”はFuckの丁寧な言い方になりますが、基本的にDrop the F-bombの組み合わせで使います。

  • My teacher accidently dropped the F-bomb in class today.(今日、先生が授業中に思わずFワードを言いました。)
  • Sam dropped the F-bomb? No way! I never heard him swear!(サムがFワードを言ったの?嘘でしょう?彼が下品な言葉を使うのは聞いたことがないよ。)
  • I’ve never dropped the F-bomb in front of my parents.(僕は両親の前では一度もFワードを使ったことがありません。)

4) Cool with it/that(構わない / 問題ない)

「I’m cool with it/that」は、相手の申し出や提案などに対して「構わないよ」、「それで大丈夫だよ」と伝えるカジュアルな表現で、主に友達同士の会話で使われます。ここで使われるCoolはOKと同じ意味合いです。何が大丈夫なのかを具体的に伝えたい場合は、 withの後のit/thatの代わりに具体的な対象を入れます。

  • You’re ordering pizza? Yeah, I’m cool with that.(ピザを注文するの?いいじゃん。構わないよ。)
  • We’re going to leave at 6 am tomorrow. Are you cool with that?(明日6時に出発するけど大丈夫?)
  • I’m cool with your brother staying over for a couple nights.(君のお兄さんが数日間ここに泊まっても構わないよ。)

5) Feel someone out(~を探る)

人の意向や態度を間接的に探ることを「Feel someone out」と言い、遠回しな質問などで相手の様子をうかがい、相手が何を考えているのかを知ろうとする行為を指します。人に限らず、場の雰囲気を読む意味合いでも用いられます。

  • You should feel him out and see what he thinks about moving to Okinawa.(沖縄に引っ越すことについて彼がどう思うか様子をうかがってみたら?)
  • I need to feel her out and see if she’s cool with having a another cat.(猫をもう1匹飼っても大丈夫か、彼女の様子を見てみないとダメだね。)
  • Take a couple trial lessons, feel it out and see how you like it.(体験レッスンをいくつか受けてみて、自分に合ってるか試してみなよ。)



  • Intimate・・・親しい
  • Honorary language・・・堅苦しい言葉
  • Oof・・・ウワッ


  • Real with each other・・・互いに本音で言い合える
  • Even with・・・たとえ
  • In front of ・・・〜の前
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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