
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2016.11.18





【Jeffrey】I think to actually eliminate guns, the bad people are still going to get them, if you ask me.

【Nick】I…I would agree with that sentiment, to be honest with you. Um, I think, you know, one of—one of the interesting facts is that in America we actually…we literally have more guns than we do have people…

【Jeffrey】(laughs) Yeah.

【Nick】…which is an amazing fact if you think about it. Um, that being said we do have, uh the most, um pretty much well-armed military in the world, so.


【Nick】I mean obviously some of that plays into it. But I think…I think a big factor too is that America really almost glorifies violence, and our media very much picks up on it, you know?


【Nick】If there’s a shooting, they’re like, “Here’s all the details of the shooter,” you know, “Here’s where he was born,” “Here’s his high school yearbook.”

【Jeffrey】Yeah. (laughs)

【Nick】“Here’s what his neighbors had to say,” uh…


【Nick】…and it’s kind of, you know the feeling’s kinda (kind of) like, well, what do you think’s gonna (going to) happen when you glorify all that violence with the other people?


【Nick】You can’t normalize violence, and I think that’s a big part of the issue…


【Nick】…is even if you, uh I mean like in England for example, they said, “Oh, people can’t have guns anymore,” so they just started stabbing each other.


【Nick】Then they said, “Okay, well you can no longer have knives longer than six inches anymore.”


【Nick】And it just sort of—they’re sort of starting to get these arbitrary rules and, um, yeah I think—I think a lot of it is…we stereotypically have guns but we’re also…our—our media sort of glorifies it a whole lot, and uh…


【Nick】That’s kinda hard to deal with I think, yeah.

【Jeffrey】Um, I don’t like the idea of having a gun in my home.

【Nick】Mm hm.

【Jeffrey】Um, but, you know every once in a while if someone wants to go shoot targets…


【Jeffrey】…that’s fun.

【Nick】Yeah. I have shot a gun once, and only—only one time, and I got…I guess gun people call it, “the kiss” or something…

【Jeffrey】Uh huh.

【Nick】…where it chambered…the—the…or the backend chambered right through the web of my thumb. I had to get stitches, and I thought, “I’m the worst gun shooter on the world—in the world.”


【Nick】So I haven’t shot since then, but my coworkers actually go shooting.


【Nick】Pretty regularly.




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What did Nick say America has more of in comparison to its population?
  2. What problem in American media did Nick talk about?
  3. What happened to Nick the first—and only—time he ever fired a gun?



  1. He said America has more guns than it has people.
  2. Nick thinks the American media glorifies violence to a fault.
  3. Nick received an injury in his thumb that required stitches.



Nick and Jeffrey continued their discussion of guns in America. Nick provided some facts at the beginning, like how America now has more guns than its population size, and that it also has the largest military in the world.

Nick believed though that the problem with gun violence in America may come in part from American media. He explained that he thought American media glorified violence too much.

Jeffrey did not like the idea of having a gun in his home. He however, admitted that firing guns at targets was fun.

Nick talked about his first and only experience firing a gun. He described an accident that occurred where the gun injured him, causing him to get stitches around his thumb.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) If you ask me(私に言わせれば)

“If you ask me”は、自分の意見を発言したい時に用いられる決まり文句です。直訳すると「もしあなたが私に尋ねるなら」ですが、尋ねられていないのに自分の意見や考えを述べる状況で使われます。


  • If you ask me, I think this presidential election is a joke. (私に言わせれば、今回の大統領選挙には呆れるよ。)
  • It sounds like an excuse, if you ask me.(私に言わせれば、そんなの言い訳にしか聞こえないね。)
  • I think she deserves a second chance, if you ask me.(私に言わせれば、彼女にもう一度チャンスをあげないと。)

2) That being said(そうは言っても / というわけで)

“That being said”は、“With that being said”の略で、前に発言したことを踏まえて次の話に入る時に使われます。本来は「そうは言ったものの」のように、前に述べたこととは対照的な意見や考えが続く状況で使われますが、日常会話では、「というわけで」のように、順接的に使われることもよくあります。

◎“With that being said”、“That being said”、“That said”、“Having said that”は、全て同じ意味になります。

  • That being said, I still think you should finish school.(そうは言っても、大学はちゃんと卒業するべきだと思う。)
  • To become a good English speaker you have to speak. With that being said, you still have to put in the time to study.(英語が堪能になるには話さないといけません。とは言ったものの、時間を費やして勉強もしなくてはいけません。)
  • Having said that, let’s get the meeting started.(というわけで、ミーティングをスタートしましょう。)

3) Glorify(賛美する / 美化する)


  • Do you think Hollywood movies glorifies guns?(ハリウッド映画は銃を美化していると思いますか?)
  • Some people think NFL glorifies violence.(NFLは暴力を賞賛していると思っている人もいる。)
  • I don’t understand why our media glorifies criminals.(メディアがなぜ犯罪者を賛美するのか理解できない。)

4) Pick up on(〜に気づく)

“Pick up on”は、人がどのように感じているのかを察したり、場の雰囲気を理解したり、話の意図をつかんだりするなど、それほど明瞭でないことに気がつくという意味合いの表現です。

◎今日の会話では、「The media picks up on it」として使われましたが、ここではメディアがニュースを「取り上げる」ことを意味します。

  • He was nervous. As a friend, you have to pick up on that.(彼は緊張していたんだよ。友達としてそれくらいは気づいてあげないと。)
  • He is terrible at picking up on subtle hints.(彼は空気を読むのが下手だ。)
  • She is sharp! She picks up on things very quickly.(彼女は鋭いね。物事をすぐに理解する。)

5) No longer(もはや〜でない)

「過去に~をしていたが今はしていない」「さっきまで、~がいたが今はもういない」といった意味合いで使われる表現が“No longer”です。例えば、「昔サッカーをやっていましたが、今はもうやっていません」は「I no longer play soccer.」となります。“No longer”は、“not anymore”と同じ役割を果たします。

  • I no longer work for that company. I switched jobs last year.(もうあの会社には勤めていません。昨年、転職しました。)
  • She’s no longer here. She left about 15 minutes ago.(彼女はもうここにはいないよ。15分くらい前に出ていったよ。)
  • I no longer eat any kind of meat. I became a vegetarian.(私は、肉類はもう一切食べません。ベジタリアンになったんです。)



  • Sentiment・・・気持ち
  • Stab・・・刺す
  • Arbitrary rules・・・あやふやなルール
  • Backend chambered・・・銃後部の薬室の部分
  • Stitches・・・(傷口を)縫う


  • Play into・・・一端を担う
  • Sort of・・・ある程度
  • Every once in a while・・・たまに
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Tommy より:

    Hello This’s Tommy.

    I am listening your podcast from Korea!
    I am deeply impressed with your passion.
    I wish I can meet you in offline lesson in Japan someday.


    • Jun より:

      Hey Tommy!

      Wow! You’re listening from Korea? That’s awesome 🙂 Hope to see you in Japan one day too! Keep it up!

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