
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2016.04.23




【Adam】Uh, people think pronunciation’s not fun, they’re wrong. It’s totally fun, and the solution to that are tongue twisters.

【Eddie】Tongue twisters.



【Adam】“Sally sells seashells by the seashore.” So those of you at home, you can practice “Sally sells seashells by the seashore” all day, and uh, I bet you might have a laugh or a smile or two by the end of your session, so…

【Eddie】The hardest tongue twister in the English language is: “The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep sick.”

【Adam】I’m not even gonna (going to) try this live on the air right now.


【Adam】I’m gonna go home and do that in private when no one’s listening. (laughs)


【Adam】That’s terrific, so, yeah.

【Eddie】But yeah, tongue twisters are fantastic, and here’s the point about tongue twisters. They are designed to be messed up.

【Adam】Mm hm.

【Eddie】When American children play with tongue twisters when they’re young, they will start saying it slow, and then say it faster and faster and faster until they make the mistake, upon which everybody laughs like crazy…


【Eddie】…and then they try another tongue twister.


【Eddie】So the whole point of it is to push it until you can’t say it correctly.


【Eddie】So it’s using the mistake actually as a goad to learn, cuz (because) the win is when you can’t do it right. (laughs)

【Adam】Sure, that’s right, and imagine having, uh ten or twenty people in a class, which sometimes happens.


【Adam】And you get the whole class say, “One, two, three.”


【Adam】And the whole class does it at the same time. That’s when their laughter is roaring out of the classroom.


【Adam】And uh, what a terrific icebreaker. That’s a great icebreak—breaking activity for your classes.

【Eddie】Yes, yes. Um, this kinda (kind of) reminds me of one other thing that I can draw from my performance life, which is that, um actors and singers traditionally will have a series of “tongue-looseners” that they use. They’re similar to tongue twisters, um but rather than telling a part…particular story—Sally sells seashells down by the seashore—they are just, um particular consonants and vowels strung together in a way that will loosen the tongue. So for example: “Red leather, yellow leather. Red leather, yellow leather. Red leather, yellow leather.”

【Adam】Wow. (laughs)

【Eddie】When you say that…I know an opera singer who can do that for ten minutes sustained, um with…with only taking what’s called a “half-breath,” where she’s breathing in at the same time she’s speaking.


【Eddie】And she can do that for ten minutes, without wearing out her tongue. I can barely do it for thirty seconds before my tongue is tired.

【Adam】Sure. “Red leather…” yeah. (laughs)

【Eddie】Yeah. (laughs) But practicing things like that will also help you loosen up that tongue, loosen up the palate, and get you excited about those English words that seem so strange to pronounce to begin with.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Eddie say the main point of tongue twisters is?
  2. Eddie mentions a technique used in the performance world to help singers in the opera. What was it?
  3. How many minutes can the opera singer Eddie knows say “Red leather, yellow leather” without stopping?
    エディーさんの知り合いのオペラ歌手は、「Red leather, yellow leather」を何分続けて言えますか?



  1. She says that they are designed to be said incorrectly.
  2. They use a technique known as “tongue-looseners.” “Tongue-looseners” are collections of consonants and vowels used to loosen one’s tongue.
  3. The opera singer can repeat that phrase for ten minutes sustained.



Adam and Eddie think that tongue twisters are a fun way to practice English pronunciation. They both introduced a tongue twister they know, and agreed that tongue twisters are great for pronunciation practice because it brings laughter.

Eddie says tongue twisters are designed to be said incorrectly. When American kids play tongue twisters, they begin by saying it slowly and will go faster and faster until someone messes up.

Eddie talked about her experience in the world of opera singing and performance. She introduced the technique of using “tongue-looseners,” collections of vowels and consonants strung together that singers practice in order to loosen their tongues.

Eddie also talked about an opera singer that she knows. This opera singer can say the tongue-loosener “Red leather, yellow leather” for ten minutes straight without stopping.
エディーさんは、知り合いのオペラ歌手についても触れました。そのオペラ歌手は、舌をほぐす体操の「Red leather, yellow leather(赤の革、黄色の革)」を10分続けて言うことができます。


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) I bet(絶対〜だ・〜に違いない)

◎ “Bet”はお金を賭けることを意味することから、お金を賭けられるくらい確信度が高いことを表す場合にも使われます。「きっと〜だ」や「〜に違いない」といった意味として、日常会話では「I think」よりも確信度が高い場合に頻繁に使われる表現の一つです。

  • I bet the beach is going to be crowded today.(今日は絶対にビーチは混むだろうね。)
  • I bet you’ll like that movie.(あなたはその映画を気に入るに違いない。)
  • I bet he regrets what he did last night.(彼は昨夜のことを、きっと後悔しているでしょう。)

2) Have a something or two(一つや二つ)

◎ “Have a something or two”は直訳すると「一つや二つ」ということから、「多少」や「ちょっと」などを表す口語的な言い方です。“something”の部分に具体的な物事を入れて表現します。例えば、「お酒でも1杯呑みに行きましょう」は「Let’s have a drink or two」となります。
◎ 何かに関して、ある程度の知識や技能を持っていることを「Know a thing or two」とも表現します。知識が備わっていることを謙虚に表す言い方になります。

  • I bet you have an embarrassing story or two that you can share with us.(私たちに話せる恥ずかしい体験談が、きっと1つや2つくらいはあるよ。)
  • I have a word or two to say about this issue.(この問題に関して、一言いいたいことがあります。)
  • My dad knows a thing or two about cars.(私の父親は、車に関する知識をある程度持ち合わせています。)

3) Designed to(〜するように作られている)

◎ “Designed to”は、ある目的のために何かが作られていたり、考案されたり、工夫されている事を意味し、“Make”の代わりに使える表現です。“Designed to”の後は動詞、“Designed for”の後は名詞がフォローします。

  • This app is designed to help improve vocabulary.(このアプリは、語彙力を高めるために工夫されています。)
  • Icebreaker is an activity designed to help people relax and start a conversation with each other.(アイスブレーカーとは、人を落ち着かせて会話をするために考案された取り組みです。)
  • This English book is designed for ESL students.(この英語の本は、第二言語として英語を勉強している生徒向けのものです。)

4) Wear out(〜を使い切る・疲れさせる)

◎ “Wear out”は、洋服や靴などを使い古したり、タイヤなどをすり減らして使い切ることを意味します。その他、日常会話ではエネルギーを使い果たし、疲れ切っていることを表す意味としても使われます。

  • Those shoes are worn out. It’s time to buy a new pair.(その靴、もうボロボロだね。そろそろ新しいのを買わないと。)
  • What a long day. I’m worn out.(長い1日だったな。くたくただ。)
  • You need to take it easy. You are going to wear yourself out.(あまり無理をしないようにね。疲れ果てちゃうよ。)

5) Barely(〜するのがやっと・ほとんど〜でない)

◎ “Barely”は日常会話で大まかに2つの意味としてよく使われています。1つ目は「〜をするのがやっとだ」や「ギリギリ〜する」の意味として用いられ、「彼はお酒を飲みすぎて歩くのがやっとだ」は「He drank so much he can barely walk.」と表現します。2つ目は「ほとんど〜でない」を表し、「ほとんど食べていない」は「I barely ate.」、「ほとんど寝ていない」は「I barely slept.」と表現します。

  • I’m so sleepy I can barely keep my eyes open.(あまりにも眠くて、目を開けているのがやっとだ。)
  • I barely passed the driving test.(車の運転免許の試験をギリギリ合格しました。)
  • I barely study grammar. I just focus on speaking and listening.(文法の勉強はほとんどしません。スピーキングとリスニングだけを集中的にやります。)



  • Goad・・・〜するよう駆り立てる
  • Roar・・・爆笑
  • Sustained・・・持続的に


  • Mess up・・・間違える
  • Icebreaker・・・場の緊張をほぐす活動
  • String together・・・つなぎ合わせる


Adam Green(カフェトーク)

Adam Green

オンライン英会話レッスン「カフェトーク」に在籍する英語講師。これまで日本を含め10年以上にわたって英語講師としての経験があり、用途に応じて楽しく効果的なレッスンを提供してくれます!→ カフェトークのプロフィールはこちら

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. TAKESHI より:


  2. Masami より:

    Mr. Jun!!
    I tried to speak as much as I could, however it was difficult for me to speak about that, I was able to speak only ‘ Red leather, yellow leather ‘ for five minutes, but my tongue was absolutely tired, but I bet it’s a good way to speak English fluently!!!

    Thank you!!!

    • Jun より:

      Hey Masami

      Wow! I’m extremely impressed that you were able to say “red leather, yellow leather” for five straight minutes! Your mouth must be exhausted!! I don’t think I can even do it for that long….

  3. Masami より:

    I’m sorry I made a mistake!!
    I tried to speak faster as much as I could!!

    Have a wonderful day!!

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