
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.12.12




【Willie】Since we are on the topic of seasons, which one in particular stands out as your favorite?

【Debbie】You know, hands down it has always been fall. And I think what started me on fall being my favorite season is because my…my hometown is in a little…it’s a little town with a lot of trees, a lot of nature and in that particular area the leaves all turn orange during the winter and it was so beautiful. It’s one of my…most beautiful sights. Yeah. What’s your favorite season?

【Willie】Uh winter. Um I…and see the funny thing about it (is) I didn’t grow up in one of those northern cities that experience a lot of snow. I grew up in a small southern town in Florida in the middle of an orange grove. And I have this one vivid memory about it snowing for the first time that I could remember.

【Debbie】Was that not natural for it to snow?

【Willie】It was very not natural (laugh). It’s actually abnormal.


【Willie】Um but it was in…the snow was just right on the…it was an orange grove. And it was really green and it had this light um dusting snow. And it was really cold and as a kid I just ran outside and instead of making a snowman I just made dirtman. Um (laugh).


【Willie】Not as much snow but I will never forget it because it was my first time seeing it and experiencing it.

【Debbie】Well actually I was raised in the mountains. I was raised in the snow. And I can remember um during school time um listening on the radio to see if it was a snow day to see if school would be cancelled. I remember having to dig my car out of the snow as I was a teenager in high school and I was driving to school. We had to get up extra early to dig our cars out to get to school. Um and so I experienced a lot of the winter.

【Willie】Sounds like fun (laugh).

【Debbie】Yeah it was fun. Um missing…having the school day…the free school days was fun. Um but actually I still love fall and I like fall. A lot of people don’t like fall because we have Daylight Savings and it gets dark really early in the evening like around 5 or 5:30 but I actually like that little snug feeling of it being dark and you have to bundle up and just be cozy and I like that feeling.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why is fall Debbie’s favorite season?
  2. What kind of snowman did Willie make when he was a kid?
  3. What memory does Debbie have of being a teenager in high school?



  1. Debbie’s favorite season is fall because she loves the changing colors of autumn leaves.
  2. Willie made a snowman out of dirt.
  3. Debbie remembers waking up early to shovel snow out of the road.



Debbie’s favorite season is fall. She grew up in a small town in the mountains, which was surrounded by nature. During fall, all the leaves turn orange and she just loves the autumn colors. She also enjoys feeling warm and cozy inside her house during cold days.

Willie’s favorite season is winter. He grew up in a small town in Florida in the middle of an orange grove where it hardly ever snows. However, he recalls a time when he was a kid when it snowed in his hometown.

It was his first time seeing snow and a light dusting of snow fell over his town. There wasn’t enough snow to make a snowman but Willie was so excited to see snow, he made a snowman out of dirt.

Debbie grew up in an area where it snowed a lot. When she was in high school, she remembers listening to the radio to see if school would be cancelled due to heavy snow. She also remembers digging her car out of the snow so she could drive to school.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Stand out(目立つ)

◎ “Stand out”は「〜が突き出る」を意味することから、日本語の「目立つ」にも相当する表現になります。アメリカでは、人や物が他より優れている場合に用いられ、どちらかというとポジティブなニュアンスがあります。
◎ 名詞や形容詞として使う場合は、秀でた人や際立った物を意味します。

  • That red tie really stands out. It looks good on you.(その赤色のネクタイ目立ちますね。よく似合っていますよ。)
  • I don’t like to stand out. I like to stay low key.(私は目立つのは好きではありません。控えめでいるほうが性に合います。)
  • He is a standout soccer player.(彼は優れたサッカー選手です。)

2) See if(〜かどうか確かめる)

◎ “See if”は、何かを確認する時に使われる表現で、「〜かどうか見る・聞く・調べる」など、その確認手段は状況によりけりです。基本的に“See if”の後に続く文章で用いられる動詞は現在形になります。

  • I’ll see if I can change the reservation.(今夜の予約を変更できるか確認をします。)
  • Can you see if Steve is here?(スティーブさんが来ているか見てきてくれますか。)
  • See if he can come to dinner tonight.(今夜の食事に彼が来られるか聞いてみてください。)

3) Dig out(掘り出す・探し出す)

◎ “Dig out”は、地面に埋もれている物を掘り出したり、掘って取り除いたりする場合に使われる表現です。その他、隠れた物や情報、または長い間使用していない物を捜し出す意味としても使われます。

  • The dog dug the bone out from the ground.(その犬が地面から骨を掘り出しました。)
  • He dug his old family photo albums out of the garage.(彼はガレージから昔の家族アルバムを探し出しました。)
  • I’ll dig out some more information about him.(彼のことをもっと探ってみます。)

4) Snug(居心地の良い)

◎ “Snug”は「居心地の良い」や「こぢんまりした場所」を意味し、特に寒い日に暖かい家で過ごしたり、毛布にくるまって暖まるなどの居心地の良さを示す場合に用いられます。
◎ その他、洋服などがピッタリ合うことも意味しますが、どちらかというとちょっとタイトな意味合いになります。

  • We stayed in a snug cabin.(暖かくて居心地のよい山小屋に泊まりました。)
  • This is a snug apartment that you live in. I really like it. (こぢんまりしたアパートに住んでいるね。とてもいいと思うよ。)
  • This coat is a little snug. I might have to exchange it for bigger size.(このコートはちょっときついかな。もうちょっと大きいサイズに交換しないといけないかも。)

5) Bundle up(厚着をする)

◎ “Bundle up”は、寒い日に暖かい格好をしたり、洋服を着込むことを意味する口語的な表現です。また、体を暖かくするために毛布などにくるまることを「Bundle up in」と表します。

  • Make sure you bundle up. It’s going to be cold today.(厚着するようにね。今日は寒くなるよ。)
  • She bundled her kids up from head to toe.(彼女は子供達の頭のてっぺんからつま先まで十分に着込ませました。)
  • It’s so cold. Let’s bundle up in a blanket.(寒いね。毛布にくるまって暖まろう!)



  • Orange grove・・・オレンジ畑
  • Abnormal・・・異常
  • Dusting snow・・・うっすら雪が降る
  • Cozy・・・居心地が良い


  • In particular・・・具体的に
  • Hands down・・・断然
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Chunghee Song より:

    Hello June,
    I hope you had a good time while you were in Japan. Did you end up roaming street in Tokyo or snowboarding in Nagoya? And I am looking forward to hearing the something you have been working on in the next episode. While listening to this 82 Episode, I am curious about the difference between the two sentence below about the listen to and listen on. I am not that good at writing my thought in English and I hope this question make senses.

    during school time um listening on the radio to see if it was a snow day to see if school would be cancelled. she remembers listening to the radio to see if school would be cancelled due to heavy snow

  2. yukio kobayashi より:


  3. しん より:

    Hey Jun 😛

    Thank you for uploading the latest story.

    This podcast really stands out as my favorite because you can provide us with useful English phrases and helpful explanations!!

    I’ve got a quick question.

    What is the difference between “listen to a radio” and “listen on a radio”?

    ① listen to a radio: It is used to refer to give the attention with the ear.

    ② listen on something: It is used to describe when to bug someone’s conversations.

    Debbie said that
    “listening on the radio to see if it was a snow day to see if school would be cancelled.”

    I am a little bit confused about how “listen on” is used.
    I would like you to explain about that.

    Thank you for taking your time.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Shin,

      I’m really sorry it took me this long to get back to you! This episode is full of great expressions. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Debbie said “Listen on the radio” but the proper expression should be “Listen to _____ on the radio.” I think she was implying that she was “Listening to the news on the radio” and left out the “on the news” in the conversation.

      Great question though! This is why a real life conversation can be difficult. It’s not always perfect 😉

  4. ニニサ より:


    • Jun より:



  5. KEI より:




    • Jun より:



  6. yoshimi chouno より:

    My favorate season is spring. I grew up in northern area and now I am also living in the same area. We have to survive a long cold, gloomy time of winter.
    We all spend time during winter just looking forward to a bright and warm season. In spring, all plants starts blooming at once all together. It makes me feel how nice it is to live in this world hand down.

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