
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.09.12




【Iris】And what do you do for work?

【William】Well I’ve just started here at BYB and so that’s been about for two weeks. Um and then on the side I run a little wood business with my dad. Uh we’ve been doing it since high school and we buy wood from bigger companies and we sell it to smaller companies or sell it at conventions for a profit.



【Iris】Oh interesting. Is there like a special kind of wood?

【William】Yeah we work with a wood called basswood.


【William】It is a…it’s called a hardwood. There’s softwoods and then there’s hardwoods but basswood is a hardwood.

【Iris】Mm hm.

【William】And carvers like it because it keeps it shape but it’s not too hard to dig into.

【Iris】Oh OK.

【William】So it’s really easy to mold.


【William】And uh so uh that’s mainly what we work with. I think we did one order that was teak, which is really hard to cut and it’s really expensive but mostly we do basswood.



【Iris】Interesting. I’m like I don’t know any of wood but now I know twee…twee…teak?

【William】There’s teak.

【Iris】Teak? Oh tweak (laugh). Teak…

【William】So uh teak and basswood.


【William】Teak is the real hard one.

【Iris】Yeah. Huh.

【William】And expensive too.

【Iris】That’s a cool job.

【William】Yeah it’s fun.

【Iris】Yeah that’s interesting.


【Iris】Oh very nice (laugh). Well um I actually work for, have you heard of Sanrio?



【William】It sounds familiar. Give me an example of what they produce.

【Iris】Um do you know Hello Kitty? (Laugh).

【William】Oh now I know.

【Iris】Oh I see…

【William】That’s where I’ve heard of it.

【Iris】Your eyes got big!

【William】Because my older sister just digs Hello Kitty.

【Iris】Oh does she? Really?

【William】And I think…I think Hello Kitty is pretty, pretty tight.

【Iris】Yeah awesome!

【William】I think it’s pretty cool.

【Iris】Hey! OK yeah.

【William】Cool right on. Right on.

【Iris】Yeah well you know what? Next time I see you William, I’ll bring some Hello Kitty goodies.


【Iris】For you and your sister.

【William】I would like to just decorate my bed with it. Perfect.

【Iris】Yes we’re going to deck out your whole area. Your car everything…

【William】If you have stickers for the car. That’s perfect.

【Iris】Yes. You can represent.


【Iris】(Laugh). That’ll be it.

【William】Yeah so when did you start at uh Sanrio?

【Iris】Uh I started about a year ago. Yeah and I work in licensing.


【Iris】So trying to sell Hello Kitty, you know?

【William】Oh so..

【Iris】It’s a tough job.

【William】So that’s why you wanna (want to) get me the Hello Kitty.

【Iris】Yeah (laugh).

【William】Right? Right on.

【Iris】(Laugh). Yeah.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does William do on the side?
  2. Who does William run his business with?
  3. What company does Iris work for?



  1. William runs a wood business on the side.
  2. He runs his business with his father.
  3. Iris works for Sanrio.



William has been working at BYB for about two weeks. He also runs a wood business with his father on the side. They’ve been running the wood business since William was in high school.

William and his father buy wood from bigger companies and sell it to smaller companies. They sell the woods at conventions as well.

They mainly work with a wood called basswood. Basswood is a hardwood and carvers like it because it keeps its shape and it’s easy to mold.

Iris works for Sanrio. She is in charge of licensing Sanrio products and started working there about a year ago.

William and his sister like the Sanrio character, Hello Kitty. Iris promised William that she would bring him Hello Kitty products the next time she sees him.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Dig something(〜が大好き・〜が楽しい)

◎ 「Dig」は地面などを掘ることを意味する単語ですが、日常会話では「何かがとても好きである」「何かを楽しむ」を表すちょっと古いスラングです。「I really like」や「I’m really enjoying」の代わりに使える表現です。

  • My younger sister digs Hello Kitty.(私の妹はハローキティーが大好きです。)
  • I’m really digging this concert.(このコンサートを楽しんでいます。)
  • I really dig this café.(このカフェ大好きです。)

2) Tight(良い・素晴らしい)

◎ “Tight”は本来「きつい」や「狭い」を意味する単語ですが、日常会話では「良い」や「素晴らしい」、「格好いい」などの意味として“cool”の代わりに使われ、どちらかというと若者が口にする砕けた表現です。
◎ 相槌の「いいね」を、「That’s tight」と表現することがよくあります。

  • That’s a tight car.(格好いい車だね。)
  • That’s tight. When did you buy it?(いいね!いつ買ったの?)
  • I think the Apple Watch is pretty tight.(新しいアップルウォッチ、結構いいと思う。)

3) Right on(よかったね、いいね、やったね)

◎ 相手の言ったことを支持したり、同意したり、または相手を励ましたりする時に使われるポジティブな相槌です。特に相手に何かいい出来事があった時に使われます。
◎ 相槌以外にも、相手の考えや意見、またはある質問に対する答えが的確であると伝える時にも使われます。

  • You passed your test? Right on. Congrats!(テスト合格したの?よかったね。おめでとう!)
  • Your team won the tournament? Right on.(あなたのチームが優勝したのですか?やったね。)
  • You’re exactly right. You’re answer is right on.(その通りです。あなたの答えは的確です。)

4) Goody(美味しい食べ物、喜ばれる物)

◎ “Goody”は人に喜ばれるグッズや食べ物を意味し、一般的にはお菓子やスナックなどを指します。特にお土産やプレゼントとして渡す物を表す場合に使われます。
◎ 日常会話では、“Goodies”と複数形で言うのが一般的です。

  • I got you some goodies from Japan.(日本から美味しい物買ってきたよ。)
  • I’ll bring you some Hello Kitty goodies.(ハローキティーのグッズを持ってくるね。)
  • What kind of goodies do you have in that bag?(その袋の中にはどんなお菓子が入っているの?)

5) Deck out(飾り立てる)

◎ 物や場所が魅力的に見えるよう飾り立てることを「Deck out」と言います。“Decorate”の口語的な表現で、より派手に飾り付けするというニュアンスがあります。
◎ 他にも、男性が正装したり、女性が美しいドレスを着たりなど、おしゃれな格好をする時にも使われます。

  • Wow! You really decked out your room. It looks nice.(すごい!部屋をかなり装飾してるね。いい感じだよ。)
  • Let’s deck out our office for Halloween this year.(今年のハロウィーンはオフィスを派手に飾りましょう。)
  • You’re all decked out. What’s the occasion?(おしゃれな格好しているね。今日は何か特別なことでもあるの?)



  • Profit・・・利益
  • Mold・・・彫る


  • On the side・・・副業として
  • Run a business・・・ビジネスを経営する
  • Keeps its shape・・・形を保つ
  • It sounds familiar・・・聞き覚えがある
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Kotone より:


    • Kotone より:

      先輩、後輩についてですが、既に意味はご存じだと思いますが、家にあった”Keys to the Japanese Heart and Soul” published by bilingual books という本の一部紹介したいと思います。

      “senpai-kohai”(senior-junior) An informal relationship ubiquitous in Japanese organizations, schools, and associations, in which older, experienced members, who reciprocate with gratitude, respect, and often, personal royalty.
      “The sempai-kohai tie is determined by the date of entrance into a particular organization. The sempai, perhaps a graduate of the same school or a senior in the work group, acts as a friend and patron, disciplining and teaching the neophyte appropriate conduct. Sempai-kohai ties permeate Japanese society. Habatsu, batsu, and other personal netwoks function to some extent in sempai-kohai terms, and sempai-kohai alliances often smooth the way toward a quick, satisfactory resolution of a problem. Successful careers have often been promoted by these long-term relationships though they can also have negative aspects, as when the sempai exploits his kohai.


      • Jun より:


        こんにちは。先輩後輩に関するご意見ありがとうございます。ご紹介された内容は興味深いですね!特に先輩後輩の関係があることでスムーズに問題解決ができる部分が。。。アメリカでも地元に住んでいる人を優先するのは聞いたことがあります。同じ環境で育った人のほうが一緒に働きやすいというメリットでしょうか。勉強になりました。Thank you!!

  2. なみ より:

    IrisさんがThat’s a cool job.It’s a tough job.と言っていると思いますが、わたしにはこのjobが(dʒɔb)と発音されているように聞こえません。何回聞いてもdrum?のように聞こえてしまいます:( 何か発音のカラクリはありますか??


    • Jun より:




      • Kotone より:

        Hi Jun-san, I’m glad I could help. I also learned by being asked for untranslatable Japanese words. I’ve noticed there is a bit similar word to Sempai, “Alumni” in college.

  3. Takuya より:

    Hi Jun-sensei,
    I have no idea about Senpai-Kohai relationships in the office, but I think the relationships in the clubs in the university are often based on their school years. Regardless of their ages, first year students are supposed to be Kohai when they talk with second, third and fourth year students. Also, they have little Senpai-Kohai relationship with the same school year students, even though they might differ in age.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Takuya,

      Thanks for the input!! I actually got to experience the Senpai Kohai relationship for the first time when I studied abroad in Japan. It was so interesting because we do not have this type of relationship in Japan. I was on the basketball team at the time and the Senpai Kohai relationship was really strict! The freshmen would do anything the seniors told them to do! I was treated a little differently though because I was a foreigner 🙂

  4. Ayumi より:

    Q:Do you speak to your older subordinate in honorific langage?

    A:Yes we do! Because he is “Kohai” in the company, but he is also “Senpai”in the life.
    And usually an older “Kohai” speak to a younger “Senpai” in honorific language in oder to good relationship.

  5. こみ より:







    • こみ より:


  6. マサ より:

    Jun さん
    Conventions についてもう少し説明していただけますか?
    それと、William さんは Older sister と言っていますが、要約では”妹”となっていました。”お姉さん”のことだと思います。

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