
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.02.21




【Monique】Hey Kelsey, how’s it going?

【Kelsey】Pretty good. How are you?

【Monique】I’m doing good. How was your Valentine’s Day?

【Kelsey】It was actually really fun. I went camping with a big group of friends of mine um at Joshua Tree.

【Monique】Uh how many like…like a really big group or?

【Kelsey】It was eleven people.

【Monique】Do you normally do big group things on Valentine’s Day?

【Kelsey】I’ve actually never been camping before.


【Kelsey】Yeah. (laugh).

【Monique】(Laugh). How was the experience?

【Kelsey】It was really cool. Um I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. Mm hm.


【Kelsey】Yeah. How was your Valentine’s Day?

【Monique】Uh my Valentine’s Day was a lot of fun. All my friends, all my really good friends we’re all single. So we get together and we watch uh bad movies.


【Monique】Um eat of lot of food. Drink a lot of drinks. So it’s all around uh good time. Was your group all couples or was it a mix couples with single people?

【Kelsey】Um it was actually a mix of both. I think Valentine’s Day weekend um we had a vacation day from school and work. So everybody had the chance to go that weekend where normally we don’t have the time. Yeah.

【Monique】Do you buy into the whole Valentine’s thing?

【Kelsey】Yes I do actually. I’m a little bit embarrassed because I mean I know it’s a holiday that’s just about chocolate and cards but I love it. It drives my boyfriend a little bit crazy.

【Monique】I know I…well I love any excuse to do anything holiday like. So I personally also really love Valentine’s Day. I think they uh really drill it into you in elementary school.


【Monique】Did you ever do like the little cards and candies for everyone in your class?

【Kelsey】Yeah ever since you’re like five or six, it’s always cards and candies so mm hm.

【Monique】And my mom still gets me something every year so I’m always really happy.

【Kelsey】Ah that’s sweet. But actually before I was dating my boyfriend, even then we’d have a big girls night um with all my friends and yeah. Terrible movies and way too much food is always the way to go. (laugh).




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What did Kelsey do on Valentine’s Day?
  2. How did Monique spend her Valentine’s Day?
  3. What do elementary school kids give to each other on Valentine’s Day?



  1. Kelsey went camping at Joshua Tree with her friends.
  2. She got together with her single friends and watched bad movies.
  3. They give each other cards and chocolates.



Kelsey went camping at Joshua Tree with a big group of friends on Valentine’s Day. It was her first time camping and she really enjoyed it.

Many of Kelsey’s friends were able to go because Valentine’s Day fell on a three-day weekend this year. The group consisted of singles and couples.

Monique got together with her close single friends and watched bad movies. They ate a lot of food, drank a lot and overall had a great time.

Kelsey loves Valentine’s Day. She enjoys exchanging chocolates and cards but it drives her boyfriend a little crazy.

Before Kelsey was dating her boyfriend, she used to have girl nights on Valentine’s Day. Just like Monique, her and her friends would get together, watch terrible movies and eat a lot of food.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Single(独身)

◎ “Single”は本来「一つ」を意味しますが、「独身」を表現するときにも使われます。男女関係なく独身を意味する単語です。
◎ 独身を“Bachelor”と表すこともできますが、”Bachelor”は結婚をしていない男性に限定されます。

  • All my friends are single.(私の友達は全員独身です。)
  • Are you single?(あなたは独身ですか?)
  • He is still a bachelor.(彼はまだ独身です。)

2) Drill into(教え込む・叩き込む)

◎ 何度も繰り返し教え、完全に覚えるまで叩き込むことを”Drill into” と表現します。
◎ “Drill”と“into”の間に叩き込む具体的な内容を入れ、“ into”の後に誰に叩き込むのかを加えます。

  • They drill the customs of Valentine’s Day into you in elementary school.(小学生の時にバレンタインデーの風習を叩き込みます。)
  • Japanese schools drill times table into students.(日本の学校は、九九のかけ算を生徒に叩き込みます。)
  • My teacher drilled idioms into me.(先生は私にイディオムを教え込みました。)

3) Did you ever(〜をしたことはありますか?)

◎「これまでに〜をしたことはありますか?」は“Have you ever”になりますが、「一度でも〜をしたことはありますか?」は“Did you ever”と表現します。過去のある時点での経験について質問するときに“Did you ever”を使います。
◎ 現在形の“Do you ever”は、人の習慣について尋ねる時に使われることが多く、例えば「Have you ever played golf?」は「これまでにゴルフをしたことがありますか?」になりますが、「Do you ever play golf?」は「ゴルフをしますか?」になります。

  • Did you ever make Valentine’s Day cards in school?(バレンタインデーカードを学校で作ったことはありますか?)
  • Did you ever visit Okinawa when you lived in Japan?(日本に住んでいた頃、沖縄には行きましたか?)
  • Do you ever take naps?(お昼寝はしますか?)

4) Ever since(〜からずっと)

◎「〜の時からずっと」や「それ以来ずっと」何かをしている、また、そうであると表す場合に使われるフレーズが“ Ever since”です。例えば、「子供の時からずっと背が高かったです」は「I’ve been tall ever since I was a kid.」になります。

  • Ever since January, I haven’t exercised.(1月以来、運動していません。)
  • I haven’t read a book ever since high school.(高校以来、本を読んでいません。)
  • My girlfriend’s been angry ever since.(私の彼女はそれ以来ずっと怒っています。)

5) The way to go(〜をするのがベスト/一番)

◎ ある方法ややり方が一番である、ベストであると表現したいときに使われる日常フレーズです。例えば、「夏にバーベキューをするのがベストだ!」「BBQing is the way to go in the summer.」になります。
◎「それがベストだ」はシンプルに「That’s the way to go」になります。

  • Exercising in the morning is the way to go.(朝に運動するのがベストです。)
  • Leaving early in the morning before traffic is the way to go.(渋滞になる前に朝早く出発することがベストです。)
  • That’s the way to go. You can’t beat it.(それが一番だよ。それに勝るものはないよ。)



  • Big group・・・大勢
  • Embarrassed・・・恥かしい
  • Excuse to・・・〜をする言い訳
  • Girl’s night (out)・・・女子会・女友達で集まる


  • How was the experience?・・・どうだった?
  • get together・・・(友達と)集まる
  • All around・・・全体的に
  • A mix of・・・〜と混ざっている
  • Buy into・・・信じる
  • Drives someone crazy・・・イライラさせる
  • That’s sweet・・・とても優しいね
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Hiro より:








    • Jun より:




      Keep it up, Hiro!

  2. AI より:

    Hello Junさん!
    Every time I’ve been looking forward to you uploading this podcast.
    Thanks to your blog, podcast and mail magazine, I think that I could improve my English a bit 🙂

    So today I realized that today’s podcast is easier to listen to than before coz their accents are very clear and they seem to be a bit younger??
    I was surprised that I could understand everything clearly.
    Actually I’ve been taking a English course at English school in Sydney which is for Cambridge FCE exam these days. But without covering, my worst part is LISTENING 🙁 Every time listening of Cambridge pre-exam is tough for me. Of course, one of the reason is my lack of voca, though.
    But also other problem are their accents(British?) probably?
    Do you have any tips how I can improve my listening skill?
    Hope you to reply for me 🙂
    Thank you,

    • Jun より:

      Hi Ai,

      Thanks for studying with Hapa Eikaiwa! I’m happy to hear you had no problem understanding this episode. The speakers are both in their late 20s. Everyone speaks English a little differently and there are a lot of factors that go into that (background, environment, ethnicity, etc.) That’s what makes learning English challenging but interesting at the same time. Everyone has their own unique style 🙂

      If your goal is to pass the exam, I’d recommend listening to more British English and getting used to the sound and intonation. British English is quite different form American English and they even use words and expressions Americans don’t. I would also do some dictation exercises where you write down everything you hear. After you write it down, make sure you compare it with the transcript. You’ll start noticing words/sentence structures you have difficulty hearing. Then you can focus on that to improve it!

      Good luck!

  3. Hana より:

    Hi Jun-San. I am just beginner of learning English. So everymorning, I take a English lesson through Internet at my office. Because I usually go to the office at around 6:30 AM. Durling commute, I prepare to today’s lesson. So my morning is very busy but I enjoy.
    Thank you.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Hana,

      Thanks for sharing your morning routine! Wow, you go to the office really early in the morning! It sounds like your mornings are very productive! I study in the mornings too but I feel like you retain the most information during this time. Keep it up! 🙂

  4. Hana より:

    小学校で交換していたものは?のクエスチョンに「cards and candes」と答えても正解ですか?

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