
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2014.11.15




【Dawnielle】It leads to an interesting question though because the…the opposing viewpoint would be that if you teach them to be leaders then how can they be OK working in a team? And it seems like in Japan it…it is prized to be able to work as part of a team. It’s something that they…um they like doing. It gives them a lot of pride to work as a member of a team and to accomplish things.
We do in a funny way, actually want that from our workers um you know to be able to work as part of a team yet in school we’re teaching them “be the leader, be the leader. Step out

【Steve】Well and I know that teacher education uh more recently has been very group focused.

【Dawnielle】Mm hm.

【Steve】All the…all the training that I went through um they really focused on uh you know, who’s gotta different part in the group and the responsibilities of that person.

【Dawnielle】Mm hm.

【Steve】Um one thing that they have in Japan is a “Sports Day” for the junior high.

【Dawnielle】Uh huh.

【Steve】And you really see this group work ideology there.


【Steve】Um, you know, everything they’re doing is pretty much group activity there. They’re having relay races, they’re building um basically human pyramids together.

【Dawnielle】Mm hm.

【Steve】All of it is done uh as a class and so they’re…they’re learning to really work with each other in that class, in that group.

【Dawnielle】Uh huh. So you do think that here in America we are changing the tide and beginning to focus on group work and…

【Steve】Yeah. I…I think that now that we’re looking at you know, trying to socialize our kids to be able to be successful in business or industry or whatever, um you know that you have to have uh certain skills to be able to be successful in a group and I think that’s what they’re really trying to bring out and focus on with education in America these days.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. According to Steve, how has teacher education changed recently?
  2. What one event in junior high does Steve think teaches group work in Japan?
  3. Does Steve think U.S. education is starting to focus on group work?



  1. Steve thinks teacher education has been group focused recently.
  2. Steve feels “Sports Day” teaches group work to students in Japan.
  3. Yes, he thinks kids are being educated to socialize and work better in groups.



Dawnielle thinks if all kids are taught to be leaders it would make it difficult for students to work in groups. She thinks that in Japan, people take pride working in groups.

The teacher training Steve went through required a lot of group work. In his teacher training, every person was given a specific responsibility in the group.

Steve believe that “Sports Day” held in Japanese schools teaches kids how to work in groups. Almost all activities in “Sports Day” involve working as a team.

Steve thinks U.S. education is starting to focus more on group work. He understands that in the real world, it’s important to have certain skill sets but at the same time, it’s even more valuable to share those skills with groups.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Lead to _____(◯◯につながる)

◎ “Lead to”は「〜につながる」を意味します。ある話題や出来事などが、何か別の可能性や他の出来事へと「リードする」、即ち「つながる」といったニュアンスになります。
◎ “A leads to B(AがBにつながる)」というように文章では使われます。

  • It leads to an interesting question.(それは興味深い質問につながります)
  • His lack of exercise led to his health problems.(運動不足が彼の健康問題につながっています)
  • One thing leads to another.(一つの事が別のきっかけとなります)

2) Pride(誇りに思う)

◎ “Pride(誇り)”は重みのある言葉と感じるかもしれませんが、アメリカの日常会話ではよく使われます。「誇り」として意味をとらえると使いづらいと思うので、「責任感」として覚えておくといいでしょう。
◎「〜に誇り・責任感を持つ」は“Take pride in _____”、「 (誰か)に〜する責任感を与える」は“Give someone pride to _____”になります。

  • It gives them a lot of pride to work in groups.(グループで働くことは人に責任感を与えます)
  • I take pride in my job.(自分の仕事に誇りを持っています)
  • What do you take pride in?(何に誇りを持っていますか?)

3) Step out(一歩踏み出す)

◎ “Step out”は元々「外へ出る/出掛ける」を意味するフレーズです。ちょっとどこかへ行く時に“I’m going to step out.”と言いますが、何か新しい事を始める際に、一歩前に踏み出すことも表します。
◎ その他、車やエレベーターから「出る」や「降りる」ことも“Step out”が使われます。

  • Be a leader. Step out.(リーダーになりなさい。一歩踏み出しなさい)
  • He stepped out for lunch.(彼はお昼を食べに外へ出掛けました)
  • You need to step out of your comfort zone.(居心地の良い場所から飛び出さないと)

4) Pretty much(ほとんど)

◎ アメリカ人が日常会話で頻繁に使うとても口語的なフレーズで、「ほとんど」や「だいたい」を意味します。
◎ その他に、「まさに〜である」と表す時にも“Pretty much”が使われます。

  • Everything they’re doing is pretty much group activity.(彼らが行なうほとんどがグループ競技です)
  • I’m pretty much finished.(ほとんど終わりました)
  • That’s pretty much it.(まさにその通りです)

5) Basically(基本的に)

◎ 日本語の「基本的には」と意味合いと使い方は同じです。

  • They’re building basically a human pyramid.(基本的には人間ピラミッドを作っています)
  • Basically, I like being lazy on the weekends.(基本的に、週末のんびり過ごすのが好きです)
  • Basically, you have to speak English.(ようするに英語を喋らないといけません)



  • Opposing viewpoint・・・対立する意見
  • Prized・・・珍重される
  • Ideology・・・概念
  • Socialize・・・人と交流する


  • Go through・・・経験をする
  • Change the tide・・・流れが変わる
  • Bring out・・・注目させる
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. takemura より:


    • Jun より:


      You might get a quick tour of the new house but that’s pretty much about it.


  2. takemura より:

    A happy new year!
    and thank you for your reply.
    I am going to continue listening!
    By the way,is this response right?

  3. takemura より:

    A happy new year!
    and thank you for your reply.
    I am going to continue listening!
    By the way,is this response(my English) right?

  4. タツ より:

    Hi Jun,

    Thank you for your Podcast.
    Today I would like to share my opinion with you.

    Maybe it’s just me but, group work in Japan is stuck in a rut recently. I think that young Japanese people, especially college/university student, misinterpret what group work is. They cannot discriminate between being responsible for specifically task and splitting their work. For example, there are ten piece of works as an assignment. Each student has ten tasks and each student has to do it by yourself. However he/she makes a group with 10 people. They split ten tasks, basically, one student has one task. Finally they collect the result from each student and share it among those people. University/college students are also required to find a correct answer in many situation. It means that whoever answer it, the answer is always same. This is the reason why any student in Japan don’t bother to study something.


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